The primary interactions with and between the students from Everett High School in Lansing and Carman-Ainsworth High School in Flint took place through the convening of three workshops. These workshops took place once a month from October through December 2016. The first workshop took place at the high school in Flint, the second at the high school in Lansing, and the third at the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum on the campus of Michigan State University. On the occasion of the first workshop, Tichy requested that each of the students bring a cup from home with them that day, to be used as part of an exchange designed to introduce and couple the students. The students from Carman-Ainsworth High School placed their cups on a table and stepped away, then allowing the students from Everett High School to select a cup—thereby selecting their partner for the duration of the project.
The workshops lasted the duration of the school days on which they were scheduled, and were largely designed by the students from each respective school. While some time was dedicated to workshopping ideas, educational lectures on public art and activism, and making exercises between the students, there was also considerable time dedicated to touring each school and community. The students selected the different sites to visit, and acted as tour guides for their visiting partners. During the final workshop at the museum, the students were introduced to the space their shared work would eventually inhabit, and recorded their stories and statements to be used in the installation. Contained on this webpage is documentation of the various events and activities, offering insight to this all-important aspect of the larger project.