The students were paired off during the initial workshop at Carman-Ainsworth High School, and from that point on worked closely with one another in and outside of the workshops to develop content for the project and exhibition. The paired students were connected via social media and other outlets so as to continue the conversation outside of the scheduled workshop days. Each student also was tasked with recording audio clips from their surroundings that they felt meaningfully contributed to the conversation, many of whom focused on the role that water plays in their daily lives. During the workshops, the students worked together to create additional audio recordings, participated together in art-making activities, and more generally spent time getting to know one another, their personal backgrounds and experiences.
Since the students from Everett High School in Lansing were art students, and the students from Carman-Ainsworth High School in Flint were from an English class, the final contributions to the project followed these two lines of creative production. In the pairs, the student from Flint collected the audio clips, stories, and other spoken word content into a single audio file, while the student from Lansing created a work on paper in response to the audio. The couplings are featured below, and when you click on each student pair, one can see the image and listen to the audio.
Ken & Tuan

Tiffany & Lisa

Justin & Capria

Shamiya & Cing

Briana & Dennis

Allison & Minani

Tamera & Meh

Ahmard & Devyn

Sarah & Milecia

Ayana & Jeanne

Eric & Monica

Karisma & Sheylin

Zachariah & Thomas

Grayden & Zaria

Dawaan & Quamez

Z’yaire & Sierra

Jonathan & Michelle

Chang & Deshun

Treanna & Cing

Zach & Nalie

Imani & Rene

Treyvion & Jordan

Jaylen & Ella

Travis & Derrick

Nicholas & Sammy

Miesha & Dalia

Hailey & Niya

Donnell & LaSharea

Justin & Arjun

Jazmine & Marissa

Cashae & Ali

Tadaiha & Issy

Jessyca & Pam